
Nature Around Us

Nature always fascinates me! Whatever time of the year, whether it is spring time, summer, autumn or winter season, I always see and appreciate the beauty of nature. I just can't wait until the next spring time where I will see again the blooming flowers around especially in our garden. The leaves of the herbs and trees like apples, walnuts, cherries, berries will start to grow again and will soon bear fruits. I simply love it since we have some strawberries and a cherry tree in our garden. These fruits are full of multivitamins and they are always fresh since I can pick them up from our garden.

This snapshot was taken last summer 2010. We used to go walking this way especially during weekend. The hills and the valleys around, the trees and the wild flowers are simply refreshing.

The beauty of nature is simply amazing. Now that we still have winter season, I also enjoy watching the white surroundings around. I remember somebody asked me how I survive in this very called winter in Europe. I simply told him that I am already used to it and I love this season too since I am very fascinated with snow.

The beautiful winter season. This was taken sometime in February 2009 in our place. Winter is the coldest season of the year. This is the time when the nights are long and the days are shorter.

This winter season was the worst that I experience in Europe. It started so early this season. It was always snowing so hard especially last December 2010. That was also the reason why a lot of flights and trains were cancelled in Europe. Thousands of accidents also happened on the roads and motorways.

Although, I love winter, I can't wait until the next spring and summer time come where I can experience another beauty of nature.


Michelle said...

Beautiful! I love the angle that you took the dandelion picture from--very creative looking up towards the sky.

♥♥ Willa ♥♥ said...

I'm also waiting for the warm weather here, Snow is what you see all over the place. :(

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Jag said...

I am also close to's so relaxing for the soul...countries hving 4 kinds of seasons are quite interesting....thanks for visiting my site!