
The Hermitage and Its Garden

This was taken during our visit to the Hermitage in Bayreuth, Bavaria, Germany last 2009. This is an amzing work of art! We love it!

The Orangerie at the The Hermitage (Eremitage) Castle in Bayreuth, Bavaria. That middle part of the building is the sun temple.

the waterlilies in the garden ponds of Hermitage Castle in Bayreuth

For more images of these memes, feel free to visit and join My World Tuesday, Watery, Wordful, Wordless and Outdoor Wednesday. Thanks to the Authors of these sites for hosting these wonderful memes. Have a great and blessed day!


Kim, USA said...

This place is beautiful! Haven't seen water lilies for quite sometime. Thanks for sharing!
Watery Wednesday

Sherrie said...

Beautiful! Compared to our snow and cold this garden is breath of fresh air. Have a great day!

Food for Thought

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

I was in Bayreuth in 2008--a most beautiful place!


A hunter of all kinds of water
Had neither a son nor a daughter;
But ocean and sea
Provided such glee—
He fancied adopting an otter!

© 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

Frosty Windowpane

Colette S said...

Definitely artistic. I hope you had a wonderful trip!

I really want to see water lilies up close and personal!


Rebecca said...

Beautiful photos.. Thanks for sharing :)