
Shopping Wishlist for Our Garden

Good day everyone! Another sunny day is here! I can truly feel the spirit of spring time! I will be hitting our garden this week since the weather is getting very friendly now. Hubby also took some vacation leave days to help me in the garden makeover. I am also planning to buy more garden accessories. I already have some but I want some new and styling ones. Last year, I spent some hundred Euros only for my garden stuffs. I am quite excited for the coming weeks especially when everything will be done.

a very nice garden figure I found in a garden center the other week. I am planning to buy it once our garden makeover is done.

My shopping wishlist for our garden this year is quite a myriad. I would be happy to buy garden baskets since I don't have it in our garden. I also want some new flower pots. Either a zinc one or a ceramic is fine for me. A solution for a rainy season is a new mud hog. This is good especially if it gets muddy and this Mud Hog will help us scrape off the mud before going inside our house. It is also very easy to clean. Ours needs a replacement because it is already old and dilapidated.

What's else do I need in our garden? I believed I have a long list. I also need to buy some flowers, gardeners half apron (I have been gardening for years now but still did not have one), a bigger watering can, garden kneeler, garden solar lights, plant supports, flower stands and other garden accessories that I might need. Anyway, I am still starting to note everything. For sure this will be another fun in our garden. I am quite excited!

Have a lovely day!

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