
Beautiful Bromeliads

I love this flower! It is called Bromeliad or Bromeliaceae. It belongs to the family of Ananas or pineapples. Bromeliads are a varied group of organisms, adapted to a number of climates. Foliage take different shapes, from needle thin to broad and flat, symmetrical to irregular, spiky and soft. The foliage, which usually grows in a rosette, is the most widely patterned and colored of any plant in the world. Leaf colors range from maroon, through shades of green, to gold. Varieties may have leaves with red, yellow, white and cream variegations. Others may be spotted with purple, red, or cream, while others have different colors on the tops and bottoms of the leave.

I have hundreds of these before in my garden back home. I only took this image in one of the garden centers nearby.

Visit these wonderful memes; Today's Flowers, Macro Monday, Mellow yellow, and Ruby Tuesday. Special thanks to the Authors for sharing these interesting memes in the blogosphere. Have a nice day!


moonstar said...

you have a lovely blog. Happy Monday, here's mine:


Anonymous said...

Great picture!!
- Cheers from Canada.

"Lillagul" said...

Lovely flower !
I guessed right , that it was the same family as the Pineapple.
I guessed before I read your text :)

Anonymous said...

Fabulous colors!

Anonymous said...

hey there! I am following your blog, visit and follow mine 2! tnx. nice blog anyway.

forgetmenot said...

Lovely flowers behind your Blog title. I love tulips.

Colette S said...

This is pretty. Reminds me how much I want to do my gardening this year so I don't regret it.

Also following you here!
